VPP – State Research Program

10.05.2017. EDI autonomous driving research group is demonstrating its developments on the Bikernieki race track as part of the “Latvian first autonomous vehicle test drive” event. Also, during the event, LMT and Riga High Tech presents their achievements and future plans of creation of international test platforms in Latvia. The demonstration is live streamed in LMT app and can be seen from 12:00 at following link: http://straume.lmt.lv/lv/notikumi/notikumi/bezpilota-auto/1000532

More information: http://www.delfi.lv/auto/zinas/latvija-veidos-starptautisku-bezpilota-auto-izmeginajumu-trasi.d?id=48821261.

Developed within SOPHIS project No.1. „Development of technologies for cyber physical systems with applications in medicine and smart transport”