VPP – State Research Program

Project No.3. “BIOPHOTONICS: imaging, diagnostics and monitoring”

National Research Programme „Cyber-physical systems, ontologies and biophotonics for safe&smart city and society.” (SOPHIS).

 Project No.3. „Biophotonics: imaging, diagnostics and monitoring”. Scientific leader Dr.habil.phys. Jānis Spīgulis.

Project relates to development of innovative imaging, image processing and biophotonic technologies. The main attention is paid to the following tasks.

  1. To develop and experimentally validate new technologies for imaging and image processing, including those for biometry and quantitave assessment of the tissue condition.

New imaging methods and devices based on principles of photonics – one of the Key Enabling Technologies identified by EU – will be developed and validated. The imaged targets will be living tissues or other bio-objects. This task will be completed in synergy with the 1st project (development of imaging and image processing methods for smart transportation systems) and with the 4th project (video-image processing for recognition of pre-defined city safety events).

A novel technology for obtaining several spectral images from a single RGB image data set will be developed. The research will make possible to create an efficient embedded multimodal biometry system with improved safety and simplified image capture.

  1. To create innovative biophotonic technologies for non-invasive (including non-contact) clinical diagnostics and monitoring, to develop new concepts, methods and algorithms for implementation in experimental prototype devices and to validate them clinically.

Bio-object image processing will be developed and integrated for exact applications in clinical diagnostics, e.g. by elaboration of functioning prototype devices for optical diagnostics and monitoring. The developed prototypes and software will be validated in laboratory and clinical environment.

Innovative solutions will be developed in order to extend the video-imaging technology for remote cardiovascular monitoring into the infrared range of spectrum. Infrared technologies for quantitave assessment of the tissue condition will be developed, as well. The most significant from clinical point will be the newly created and improved image-based optical diagnostic technologies that will essentially speed-up and improve the diagnostic procedures in dermatology, anaesthesiology, cardiology and other areas of healthcare.


  • November/December 2014: preparation and approval of project documentation, resource planning, task definitions, updates of experimental equipment, overview of recent publications on the project topics. Enhanced studies in activity A1.1.a (snapshot mapping of skin chromophores), results as a 3-page Technical Digest submitted to the prestigious OSA congress „Optics in the Life Sciences”.
  • January 2015: Project team extended to 6 persons, focusing on activities A1.1.b (infrared photoplethysmography imaging), A1.1.c (skin studies in the 1-2 micron spectral range) and A1.3.d (SkImager updates and improvements). Results submitted to the international conferences „Developments in Optics and Communications” and „Northern Optics and Photonics”.
  • February 2015: Participation at the word’s largest photonics event „Photonics West” including the BIOS symposium on Biophotonics. Presentation of the project results at the 73rd Scientific Conference of University of Latvia and at the scientific seminar of Institute of Atomic Physics and Spectroscopy. Report at the congress „Optics in the Life Sciences” accepted by OSA.

On June 18 in Institute of Atomic Physics and Spectroscopy, (Šķūņu Street 4, 4th floor auditorium) will be held report seminar on National Research Programme „Cyber-physical systems, ontologies and biophotonics for safe&smart city and society.”  project No. 3   – „Biophotonics: imaging, diagnostics and monitoring”. The seminar program.

Seminar presentations.

Introduction: goals of the project and tasks for the 1st year (J.Spīgulis)

Acquisition of several monochromatic spectral images for skin chromophore mapping (J.Spīgulis, I.Ošiņa)

Video-imaging under infrared illumination for cardiovascular monitoring (O.Ļašuka, U.Rubīns)

Tissue assessment at the infrared spectral range (G.Tunēns, I.Saknīte)

Improvements of the multimodal imaging prototype device „SkImager” (J.Bauer, E.Kviesis-Kipge)


17.03.2016. 09:00 Seminar presentation, 2nd part of the project no.3 „Biophotonics: imaging, diagnostics and monitoring” of the National Research Programme „Cyber-physical systems, ontologies and biophotonics for safe&smart city and society.” (SOPHIS). Venue: UL Institute of Atomic Physics and Spectroscopy. Šķūņu street 4, 4th floor auditorium.


9:00-9:15 „Introduction: goals of the project and tasks for the 2nd period”  (U.Rubīns).

9:15-9:30 „Prototype device for rapid mapping of skin chromophores at laser illumination” (A1.3.a, U.Rubīns, J.Zaharans).

9:30-9:50 „Prototype device and software for non-contact monitoring of skin blood flow pulsations under near-infrared illumination” (A1.3.b, U.Rubīns, E.Kviesis-Kipge).

9:50-10:10 „Prototype device for assessment of skin moisture and its distribution in the infrared spectral range, clinical tests” (A1.3.c, I.Saknīte, G.Tunēns).

10:10-10:30 „Improvements of the multimodal skin imaging prototype device „SkImager” (A1.3.d, E.Kviesis-Kipge, O.Rubenis).

10:30 Discussion


01.12.2016. at 09:00 Public seminar of the project No.3 „Biophotonics: imaging, diagnostics and monitoring” of the National Research Programme „Cyber-physical systems, ontologies and biophotonics for safe&smart city and society” (SOPHIS). Venue: Auditorium of the Institute of Atomic Physics and Spectroscopy, Skunu Str.4, 4th floor. Members of each research group will present results obtained in stage 3 of the project. Seminar programm.

Seminar presentations.

1. “Iintroduction: The main tasks and results of the project 3rd period” (J.Spīgulis);

2. “Fast mapping of skin chromophores under laser illumination: improvements of devices, laboratory/clinical measurements and data processing” (J.Spīgulis, I.Ošiņa);

3. Non-contact monitoring of skin blood flow pulsations at NIR illumination: improvements of devices, laboratory/clinical measurements and data processing ‘”(U.Rubīns, E.Kviesis-Kipge);

4. “Skin moisture and its distribution imaging in the NIR spectral range: model calculationa and laboratory/clinical measurements” (G.Tunēns);

5. “Clinical approbation of the skin multimodal imaging device „SkImager”” (I.Kuzmina).


2nd International Conference Biophotonics- Riga 2017 were held on 27–29 August 2017 in Riga, Latvia.


Conference link: www.lu.lv/bpr17

The main topics:

Optical clinical diagnostics

Optical in-vivo monitoring

Biomedical tissue imaging

Full papers of the presentations will be published at the Proceedings of SPIE

28.09.2017. 9:00. Seminar of the project no.3 “BIOPHOTONICS: imaging, diagnostics and monitoring” of the National Research Programme „Cyber-physical systems, ontologies and biophotonics for safe&smart city and society.” (SOPHIS). Venue: Institute of Atomic Physics and Spectroscopy, University of Latvia  Skunu 4, Riga. Members of each research group will present results obtained in stage 4 of the project.  Preliminary seminar programm.

30.11.2017. 9:00. Seminar of the project no.3 “BIOPHOTONICS: imaging, diagnostics and monitoring” of the National Research Programme „Cyber-physical systems, ontologies and biophotonics for safe&smart city and society.” (SOPHIS). Venue: Institute of Atomic Physics and Spectroscopy, University of Latvia  Skunu 4, Riga. Presentation.


Presentaion on the SOPHIS seminar  5.12.2017.



  1. Saknite I, Zavorins A, Jakovels D, Spigulis J, Kisis J. “Comparison of single-spot technique and RGB imaging for erythema index estimation”, Physiological Measurement, Volume 37 (2016), Number 3. pp.333-346. doi:10.1088/0967-3334/37/3/333. http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0967-3334/37/3/333 [2nd period] (SCOPUS)
  2. J.Spigulis, I.Oshina, A.Berzina, A.Bykov, “Smartphone snapshot mapping of skin chromophores under triple-wavelength laser illumination”, J.Biomed.Opt., submitted 2016. [3. period] (SNIP=1.181);
  3. Janis Spigulis, Ilze Oshina, Anna Berzina, Alexander Bykov, “Smartphone snapshot mapping of skin chromophores under triple-wavelength laser illumination,” J. Biomed. Opt. 22(9), 091508 (2017), doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.22.9.091508. [4. period] (SNIP>1).
  4. Janis Spigulis “Multispectral, fluorescent and photoplethysmographic imaging for remote skin assessment” Sensors 2017, 17, 1165; doi:10.3390/s17051165. http://www.mdpi.com/journal/sensors. [4. period] (SNIP>1).
  5. A.Lihachev, l.Lihacova, E.V.Plorina, M.Lange, A.Derjabo, J.Spigulis, “Differentiation of seborrheic keratosis from basal cell carcinoma, nevi and melanoma by RGB autofluorescence imaging”, Biomed.Opt. Express (submitted 2017). [4. period] (SNIP>1).
  6. Alexey Lihachev,  Ilze Lihacova, Emilija V. Plorina,  Marta Lange, Alexander Derjabo and Janis Spigulis “Differentiation of seborrheic keratosis from basal cell carcinoma, nevi and melanoma by RGB autofluorescence imaging” Journal “Biomedical Optics Express” Vol. 9,Issue 4, pp. 1852-1858 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1364/BOE.9.001852 (SNIP>1). 2018

Publications in SCOPUS or WoS:

  1. Janis Spigulis, Ilze Oshina, “3×3 Technique for RGB Snapshot Mapping of Skin C hromophores“ (online publication:10.1364/BODA.2015.JT3A.39), Bio-Optics: Design and Application 2015, Vancouver Canada, 12–15 April 2015. ISBN: 978-1-55752-954-1. [1st period] (SCOPUS)
  2. Inga Saknīte, Aleksejs Zavorins, Janis Spigulis, Janis Kisis “Skin Erythema Assessment by an RGB Imaging Device: a Clinical Study”, Conference OSA Frontiers in Optics and Laser Science, 18–22 October 2015, San Jose, CA, USA.  in Frontiers in Optics 2015, OSA Technical Digest (online), JTu4A.16, https://www.osapublishing.org/abstract.cfm?uri=FiO-2015-JTu4A.16. Poster session [2nd period] (SCOPUS)
  3. J. Spigulis, I. Oshina, Z. Rupenheits, “Smartphone single-snapshot mapping of skin chromophores,” in Biomedical Optics 2016, OSA Technical Digest (online), JTu3A.46, https://www.osapublishing.org/abstract.cfm?uri=Cancer-2016-JTu3A.46.[3. period]
  4. E.Kviesis-Kipge, U.Rubīns. „Portable remote photoplethysmography device for monitoring of blood volume changes with high temporal resolution” BEC-2016, Proc. 15th Biennial Conference on Electronics and Embedded Systems. pp. 55-58 (2016); IEEE Explore, DOI: 10.1109/BEC.2016.7743727 [3. period]
  5. U.Rubins, J.Spigulis, A.Miscuks, “Photoplethysmography imaging algorithm for continuous monitoring of regional anesthesia”, ESTIMedia’16,  Proc.14th ACM/IEEE Symp. on Embedded Systems for Real-Time Multimedia, pp. 67-71 (2016), http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2994308&CFID=863483070&CFTOKEN=69466985; IEEE Explore [3. period]
  6. Inga Saknite, Aleksejs Zavorins, Ilona Zablocka, Janis Kisis, Janis Spigulis “Comparison of a near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy system and skin conductance measurements for in vivo estimation of skin hydration: a clinical study” Journal of Biomedical Photonics & Engineering. Vol 3, No 1 (2017). http://jbpe.ssau.ru/index.php/JBPE/article/view/3166/3068 [4. period] (SCOPUS)
  7. U. Rubins, A. Miscuks and M. Lange “Simple and convenient remote photoplethysmography system for monitoring regional anesthesia effectiveness”. European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference (EMBEC’17 & NBC’17); Nordic-Baltic Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physic(NBC) 11-15 June 2017, Tampere, Finland. IFMBE Proceedings Vol. 65, pp. 378-381;  DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-5122-7_95; http://embec2017.org [4. period]
  8. Janis SPIGULIS, In vivo skin imaging prototypes “made in Latvia”; Journal  “Frontiers of Optoelectronics” (2017); pp 1–12;  https://doi.org/10.1007/s12200-017-0717-5. [4. period].
  9. Ilze Oshina, Janis Spigulis, Uldis Rubins, Edgars Kviesis-Kipge and Kalvis Lauberts “Express RGB mapping of three to five skin chromophores” Proc. of SPIE-OSA Vol. 10413 104130M-4 https://spie.org/Publications/Proceedings/Paper/10.1117/12.2285995 [4. period].
  10. U.Rubins, Z.Marcinkevics., «Comparison of remote photoplethysmography signals acquired by ultra-low noise camera and conventional camera during physiological tests”, Proc. SPIE 10411,  104110T (2017); doi: 10.1117/12.2284657 Proc. http://spie.org/Publications/Proceedings/Paper/10.1117/12.2284657 [4.period]
  11. U.Rubins, A.Miscuks, Z.Marcinkevics, M.Lange. „Remote photoplethysmography system for unsupervised monitoring of regional anaesthesia effectiveness”. Proc.SPIE 10592, 1059203 (2017) (SCOPUS) [4. period]
  12. I.Kuzmina, U.Rubins, I.Saknite, J.Spigulis. „Rosacea assessment by erythema index and principal component analysis segmentation maps”,  Proc.SPIE 10592, 1059204 (2017) (SCOPUS)[4. period]





Conferences thesis and presentations:

  1. Jacob Bauer, Ville Heikkinen, Janis Spigulis “Spectral reflectance estimation with an optical non contact device for skin assessment”, Northern Optics & Photonics 2015 (NOP 2015), 2-4 June 2015, Lappeenranta, Finland. [1st period]
  2. Ilze Oshina, Janis Spigulis, “Snapshot mapping of skin chromophores at triple-wavelength illumination” , 11th International Young Scientist Conference, Developments in Optics and Communications 2015, Latvia, April 8-10, p.21, 2015. [1st period]
  3. Gatis Tunens, Inga Saknite, Janis Spigulis, “Modeling diffuse reflectance spectrum of skin in the near-infrared spectral range by Monte Carlo simulations”, 11th International Young Scientist Conference, Developments in Optics and Communications 2015, Latvia, April 8-10, p.20, 2015. [1st period]
  4. Jacob Bauer, Ville Heikkinen, Janis Spigulis, “Spectral reflectance estimation with an optical non contact device for skin assessment”, 11th International Young Scientist Conference, Developments in Optics and Communications 2015, Latvia, April 8-10, p.12, 2015. [1st period]
  5. Ilze Oshina, Janis Spigulis, “Image processing for snapshot RGB mapping of skin chromophores”, Conference IONS Karlsruhe 2015, 26-29 June 2015. Poster session. [1st period]
  6. J.Spigulis, I.Oshina “Monochomatic spectral imaging: principles and application for skin chromophore mapping”. The 2nd Israeli Biophotonics Conference (IBPC-2), December 1-2, 2015, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel. Presentation [2nd period]
  7. G.Tunens, I.Saknite, J.Spigulis. Modelling skin diffuse reflectance spectra in the near-infrared and visible range. 12th International Young Scientist Conference, Developments in Optics and Communications 2016, Latvia, March 21-23, p.28, 2016. [2nd period]
  8. I.Oshina, Z.Rupenheits, J.Spigulis. Mapping of skin chromophores by snapshot taken with a smartphone. 12th International Young Scientist Conference, Developments in Optics and Communications 2016, Latvia Riga, March 21-23, p.31, 2016. [2nd period]
  9. I. Saknite, G. Tunens, J. Spigulis. Study on near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy of skin for noninvasive estimation of skin hydration. LU 74.konference, 25.01.2016. Stenda referāts. 2nd period
  10. R. Janovskis, I. Saknite, J. Spigulis. Infrared spectroscopy and imaging for estimation of skin hydration. 12th International Young Scientist Conference, Developments in Optics and Communications, Riga, March 21-23, p.39, 2016. [2nd period]
  11. Inga Saknite, Aleksejs Zavorins, Ilona Zablocka, Janis Spigulis, Janis Kisis, “Comparison of Optical and Conductance Methods for Estimation of Skin Hydration”, Norwegian Electro-Optics Meeting 2016, April 13-15, 2016, Voss, Norway. http://electrooptics.no/. Poster presentation. [3. period]
  12. Inga Saknite, Aleksejs Zavorins, Ilona Zablocka, Janis Spigulis, Janis Kisis,”Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy System for Noninvasive Estimation of Skin Hydration”, The 2nd Biomedical Imaging and Sensing Conference 2016, May 17-20, 2016, Yokohama, Japan. http://opicon.jp/conferences/bisc16/. Poster presentation. [3. period]
  13. Janis Spigulis ”Multi-laser illumination designs for skin chromophore mapping”.  International Conference “Advanced Laser Technologies” (ALT16), 12-16 September 2016, Galway, Ireland. http://altconference.org/alt16, Presentation. [3.period]
  14. Edgars Kviesis-Kipge, Uldis Rubīns. „Portable remote photoplethysmography device for monitoring of blood volume changes with high temporal resolution”.  BEC2016, the 15th Biennial Conference on Electronics and Embedded Systems. Tallinn, Estonia on October 3-5, 2016. Presentation. [3.period]
  15. Janis Spigulis, Ilze Oshina, and Zigmars Rupenheits, “SMARTPHONE SINGLE-SNAPSHOT MAPPING OF SKIN CHROMOPHORES”, Biomedical Optics Congress 2016 (Brain, Cancer, OTS, Translational) Fort Lauderdale, Florida United States,  25 – 28 April 2016.Poster presentation. [3.period]
  16. U.Rubins, J.Spigulis, A.Miscuks, “Photoplethysmography imaging algorithm for continuous monitoring of regional anesthesia”, ESTIMedia’16, the 14th ACM/IEEE Symposium on Embedded Systems for Real-Time Multimedia, Pittsburgh, USA, 6-7/10/2016. Photoplethysmography imaging algorithm for continuous monitoring of regional anesthesia. [3.period]
  17. Gatis Tunens, Inga Saknite, Janis Spigulis “Modelling Skin Diffuse Reflectance Spectra in the Near-infrared Spectral Range”, Symposium “SPIE BIOS” San Francisco, California, United States 28 January – 2 February 2017. Poster. [4.period].
  18. Janis Spigulis “Remote optical assessment of in-vivo skin: methods, prototype devices and clinical applications” European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference (EMBEC’17 & NBC’17); Nordic-Baltic Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physic(NBC) 11-15 June 2017, Tampere, Finland. http://embec2017.org;[4.period].
  19. M.Lange, U.Rubins, A.Miscuks, “Simple and convenient remote photoplethysmography (rPPG) system for monitoring regional anesthesia effectiveness”,  EMBEC’17 & NBC’17, Tampere, Finland, 11-15 June 2017 (young researcher award). http://embec2017.org/[4.period]
  20. Janis Spigulis “Hyperspectral and multispectral skin imaging”,  Summer School on Optics & Photonics; June 1-3, 2017, Oulu, Finland; http://www.oulu.fi/photonics2017/; [4.period]
  21. I.Oshina, J.Spigulis, U.Rubins, E.Kviesis-Kipge, K.Lauberts, “Express RGB mapping of three to five skin chromophores”, ECBO’2017, Munich, Germany, 26-29 June 2017. http://www.osa.org/en-us/meetings/topical_meetings/european_conferences_on_biomedical_optics/[4.period]
  22. U.Rubins, Z.Marcinkevics. «Comparison of remote photoplethysmography signals acquired by ultra-low noise camera and conventional camera during physiological tests», ECBO’2017, Munich, Germany, 26-29 June 2017. http://www.osa.org/en-us/meetings/topical_meetings/european_conferences_on_biomedical_optics/[4.period]
  23. U.Rubins, A.Miscuks, Z.Marcinkevics, M.Lange, «Remote photoplethysmography system for unsupervised monitoring of regional anaesthesia effectiveness», Biophotonics Riga – 2017,  27-29 August 2017 (invited). https://www.lu.lv/eng/research/biophotonics-riga-2017/ [4.period]
  24. I.Kuzmina, U.Rubins, I.Saknite, J.Spigulis. «Rosacea assessment by erythema index and principal component analysis segmentation maps», Biophotonics Riga – 2017,  27-29 August 2017. https://www.lu.lv/eng/research/biophotonics-riga-2017/[4.period]
  25. J.Spigulis, I.Oshina, «Multi-spectral-line imaging: applications in biophotonics and forensics», SFM Symposium Optics and Biophotonics 2017, Saratov, Russia, 26-29 September 2017, internet presentation:  http://sfm.eventry.org/report/3054. [4.period].
  26. U.Rubins, Z.Marcinkevics., «Comparison of remote photoplethysmography signals acquired by ultra-low noise camera and conventional camera during physiological tests»,  Proc. SPIE-OSA, 10411, 104110T (2017). – http://spie.org/Publications/Proceedings/Paper/10.1117/12.2284657 SCOPUS, [4.period].
  27. E.V.Ploriņa, A.Lihachev, A.Derjabo, M.Lanģe “Non-invasive evaluation of skin pathologies by RGB autofluorescence imaging”, Summer School on Optics & Photonics, Oulu, Somija, 1-3/06/2017 (poster) http://www.oulu.fi/university/node/45631. [4.period].
  28. I. Oshina, “Skin chromophore mapping and oxygen saturation measurements in human skin using polychromatic illumination”, Summer school “Biophotonics ’17” , Ven, Zviedrija, 2017. gada 10. – 17. Jūnijā (poster) https://www.biophotonics.world/event/15 [4.period].
  29. J.Spigulis, I.Oshina, “Monochromatic spectral imaging as a tool for counterfeit detection”, Int.Conf. “Forensics 2017”, Caparica, Portugal, 19-23 November 2017 (oral) [4.period].



“Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging”, SPIE Proceedings vol. 10592 (ed. Janis Spigulis), SPIE Press, Bellingham, USA (2017); ISBN: 9781510616769 [4. period]


“METHOD AND DEVICE FOR CHROMOPHORE MAPPING UNDER ILLUMINATION OF SEVERAL SPECTRAL LINES”. Authors: J.Spīgulis and I.Ošiņa. Latvian patent number 15106 B, LR Patent board 20.03.2016. [2nd period]

Latvian patent application with No. P-17-17. “Device for speckle-free imaging at illumination by scattered laser beams”. Inventors: U.Rubīns, E.Kviesis-Kipge, J.Spīgulis. LR Patent board 28.03.2017. [4.period]

International  patent application number PCT/EP2017/063565. “DEVICE FOR SPECKLE- FREE IMAGING UNDER LASER ILLUMINATION” has been submitted to EPO, to protect the intellectual property rights of the project’s novel research. Submission number  5333351.  Inventors: Uldis RUBINS, Edgars KVIESIS-KIPGE, Janis SPIGULIS. Date of receipt 02 June 2017.[4.period]

Latvian patent application with No. P-17-78. ” Metode krāsainu viltojumu atklāšanai”. Inventors: Jānis SPĪGULIS, Ilze OŠIŅA. LR Patent board 28.11.2017. [4.period]

Involment in education:

PhD thesis:
1. I.Saknīte, “Optical non-invasive determination and mapping of skin bilirubin, hemoglobin and water “. (Superviser J.Spīgulis) University of Latvia 11.12.2015. [2nd period]

2.  Vanesa Lukinsone,  “In vivo ādas autofluorescences kinētika nepārtrauktā un impulsveida lāzeru ierosmē /Kinetics of in vivo skin autofluorescence at continuous and pulsed laser excitation” ( Supervisor Supervisor Dr. habil. phys., prof. Jānis Spīgulis) Submitted 4.09.2017, defence 12.12.2017. [4. period]

Defended Master thesis:

  1. Olga Ļashuka. „Determination of pulse wave velocity by the non-contact photoplethysmography method”, (Supervisor Dr. Uldis Rubīns.)[1st period]
  2. Jacob Bauer. “Spectral reflectance estimation with an optical non contact device for skin assessment” – University of Eastern Finland, (Supervisors Prof. Ville Heikkinen and Prof. Janis Spigulis)[1st period]
  3. Reinis Janovskis  “Infrared spectroscopy and imaging for assessment of skin moisture.”, (Supervisors: Prof., Jānis Spīgulis and Dr. Phys., Inga Saknīte ) [3.period]
  4. Ilze Ošiņa “Ādas hromoforu kartēšana 3, 4 un 5 spektrālo līniju apgaismojumā / Mapping of skin chromophores under illumination by 3, 4 and 5 spectral lines” Defended LU FMF 31.05.2017 Supervisor Dr. habil. phys., prof. Jānis Spīgulis. [4.period];
  5. Antra Dzērve  “Ādas fluorescences un izkliedes kinētikas mērījumi pikosekunžu lāzera ierosmē/ Skin fluorescence and scattering kinetics measurements at picosecond laser excitation”  Defended LU FMF 31.05.2017 Supervisor Dr. habil. phys., prof. Jānis Spīgulis. [4.period];
  6. Gatis Tunēns “Optiskā starojuma izplatības modelēšana veselā un patoloģiskā ādā/ “Modelling of optical radiation propagation in healthy and pathologic skin”. Defended LU FMF 31.05.2017. Supervisor Dr. habil. phys., prof. Jānis Spīgulis. [4.period].

Bachelors thesis:

  1. Oshina, I. (2015), „Mapping of skin chromophores at tri-chromatic laser illumination”, University of Latvia, supervisor Prof. J.Spigulis.[1st period].
  2. G.Tunēns (2015) “Monte Carlo simulations in near infrared spectral range for skin moisture” (Supervisor Dr. Phys., Inga Saknīte). [2nd period].
  3. Emīlija Ploriņa,  “Ādas patoloģiju novērtēšana, izmantojot autofluorescences attēlošanas metodi ar RGB kameru /Evaluation of skin pathologies using the method of autofluorescence imaging by RGB camera.”( Superviser  A.Ļihačovs) (RTU, 2017). [4. period].
  4. K.Lauberts,  “Ādas hromoforu kartēšanas ierīces izveide un eksperimentāla pārbaude/  Development and experimental test of a device for skin chromophore mapping. (Supervisor  Dr. habil. phys., prof. Jānis Spīgulis) (LU, 2017) [4. period].


Long-term technological prognosis

Project No.3. „Biophotonics: imaging, diagnostics and monitoring”

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