VPP – State Research Program

29.09.2017. 10:00. Seminar of the project no.4 “Development of technologies for secure and reliable smart-city” of the National Research Programme „Cyber-physical systems, ontologies and biophotonics for safe&smart city and society.” (SOPHIS). Venue: “A” auditorium of the Institute of Electronics and Computer Science, Dzerbenes str. 14, Riga.  Members of each research group will present results obtained in stage 4 of the project. Seminar program.

28.09.2017. 9:00. Seminar of the project no.3 “BIOPHOTONICS: imaging, diagnostics and monitoring” of the National Research Programme „Cyber-physical systems, ontologies and biophotonics for safe&smart city and society.” (SOPHIS). Venue: Institute of Atomic Physics and Spectroscopy, University of Latvia  Skunu 4, Riga. Members of each research group will present results obtained in stage 4 of the project.  Preliminary seminar programm.

2nd International Conference Biophotonics- Riga 2017 were held on 27–29 August 2017 in Riga, at the main building of University of Latvia.


Conference link: www.lu.lv/bpr17

The main topics:

Optical clinical diagnostics

Optical in-vivo monitoring

Biomedical tissue imaging

Full papers of the presentations will be published at the Proceedings of SPIE

It is organized in frame of  the project Project No.3. “BIOPHOTONICS: imaging, diagnostics and monitoring”