VPP – State Research Program

On June 18

Seminar summarizing the 1st year results of SOPHIS project No.3. „Biophotonics: imaging, diagnostics and monitoring” will be held June 18,2015 atthe Institute ofAtomic Physics and Spectroscopy, University of Latvia, ŠķūņuSt.4, 4th floorauditorium.

The seminar program.

  • 9:00 Introduction: goals of the project and tasks for the 1st year (J.Spīgulis)
  • 9:05 Acquisition of several monochromatic spectral images for skin chromophore mapping (A1.1.A, J.Spīgulis, I.Ošiņa)
  • 9:20 Video-imaging under infrared illumination for cardiovascular monitoring (A1.1.b, O.Ļašuka, U.Rubīns)
  • 9:35 Tissue assessment at the infrared spectral range (A1.1.c, G.Tunēns, I.Saknīte)
  • 9:50 Improvements of the multimodal imaging prototype device „SkImager” (A1.3.d, J.Bauer, E.Kviesis-Kipge)
  • 10:05 Summary and discussion

On April 11 – 18 within the Project No.1. „Development of technologies for cyber physical systems with applications in medicine and smart transport” researcher A.Hermanis, programmer E.Syundykov and lead researcher L.Seļavo participated in the International Conference “Information Processing in Sensor Networks” IPSN 2015 in Sietla (USA), which occurs within the framework of 5 world-class conferences event CSPWeek 2015.   IECS representatives participated in the conference in a number of demo sessions and localization challenge “Microsoft Indoor localization Competition” to demonstrate in the Institute developed network prototypes for human movement parameters monitoring and present a prototype for knee rehabilitation device in conference exhibition. More about conference here.

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Knowledge formalization is one of the main tasks in research of systems complexity. It is usually based on the development and analysis of different kind of models. Structural modeling (SM) is proposed as a succesfull approach which manages this task. The main idea of SM is building and analysis of mutually transformable models. Therefore an appropriate software for development and analysis of models has been launched by RTU FCSIT .

Software architecture

Software architecture

Software architecture


With semantic parsing technologies developed within Project Nr.2 of the National Research Programme SOPHIS we have achieved sufficient international recognition to be able to participate in a high-quality consortium in the area of BigData. Together with BBC, Deutche Welle, Univerity of Edinburgh, University Colledge of London, IDIAP from Switzerland, and Priberam from Portugal we have prepared an H2020 ICT-16 proposal on BigData media-monitoring.

UL IMCS participated in International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2015) and specifically in Task 18 on Broad-Coverage Semantic Dependency Parsing (SDP 2015). Broad-coverage semantic dependency parsing is the task of recovering sentence-internal predicate–argument relationships for all content words, i.e. the semantic structure constituting the relational core of sentence meaning. SDP 2015 competition provided training data and evaluated SDP parsers for English, Czech, and Chinese languages.

The FrameNet based semantic parsing technology for Latvian developed within the National Research Programme is already exploited industrially through partnership projects with Latvian News Agency (LETA) and is described in several scientific papers ublished in international conferences. Meanwhile none of this provided an independent verification for the quality of our semantic parsing technology compared to the best parsing systems in the world. To clarify this and to rise the international recognition for UL IMCS achievements, we took part in the above-mentioned SemEval-2015, Task 18 international competition, where research teams from whole world compete to achieve the best parsing results for shared semantic parsing tasks.

Results of Sem Eval 2015

Results of Sem Eval 2015

We (Riga-team) are proud to finish this competition among the three best teams with results largely on par with Peking and Lisbon research teams. In this and last year SDP competitions took part more than 10 reasearch teams, including Cornegie Mellon University (CMU) from US, which was considered the leader in FrameNet semantic parsing. Results are available at http://svn.emmtee.net/sdp/public/2015/scores.ods . It is interesting to note that although we (Riga-team) were third on the official LF metric „F1-score for labeled graphs”, in other parameters we were first. For example, for the proportion of completely correctly parsed sentences in Chinese (LM metric: labeled exact match) we were first with slightly better result than Peking team.

A paper describing our system has been accepted for publication in NAACL’2015 conference


The project is building tools for wireless sensor development, including the testbed with sensor modules, that can be tested and profiled while deployed at the Institute of Electronics and Computer Science. The current activities include remote programming and remote boot support, configuration and service server development. There is also work being done for the mobile testbed that will be used for ITS research and systems validation.

The second aspect of the project involves applications of cyber physical systems for health care. THe researchers are developing a wearable and wireless heart monitor, currently in the prototype desin phase. Another prototype being developed and tested is the body dynamics sensor system containing several accelerometer and gyroscope modules that in concert can deliver a shape of body such as back or a knee joint in real time and assist in rehabilitation. Currently the back shape prototype is built and the new version is under development, including additional sensors for better precision.

The third area is intelligent transportation systems. The research group is in the process of developing a smart sensor interface for vehicle position and orientation in the environment, using such sensors as LiDAR Velodyne HDL-32E, RTK-GPS OXTS RT3003 and OXTS RT-Base-2. These devices are being adapted and tested for eventual participation in the Grand Cooperative Driving Challenge 2016. In addition, work is being done in the field of image processing and analysis, including object identification on a noisy backround for road analyisis in real time, as well as driver face image analysis for the signs of fatigue.


  • Presentation at Baltic Eleectronics Conference – BEC 2014 (Tallin, Estonia, 06-08.10.2014)
  • Presentation at Exhibition MINOX 2014 (Riga, 10-11.10.2014)
  • Presentation at 73. Conference of the University of Latvia (Riga, 20.02.2015)



K.Nesenbergs, L. Selavo, “Smart textiles for wearable sensor networks: review and early lessons,” Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA) 2015 Conference on, Torino, Italy, 7-9 May 2015.

O.Nikisins, R.Fuksis, A. Kadikis and M. Greitans. Face recognition system on Raspberry Pi, International Conference on Information Processing and Control Engineering (ICIPCE-2015), April 15-17, 2015. Moscow, Russia.

A.Hermanis, R. Cacurs, K. Nesenbergs, M. Greitans, E. Syundyukov, L. Selavo, “Demonstration Abstract: Wearable Sensor Grid Architecture for Body Posture and Surface Detection and Rehabilitation,” The 14th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (ACM/IEEE IPSN), CPSWEEK, Seattle, USA, April 13-16, 2015.

L.Selavo, I. Drikis, A. Mednis, R. Balass. “DiStAL: Digitally Steerable Antennas for Localization,” Technical report, Microsoft Indoor Localization Competition, 2015.

Dimitrios Lymberopoulos and the participants of Microsoft Indoor localization Competition 2014 (including Leo Selavo), “A Realistic Evaluation and Comparison of Indoor Location Technologies: Experiences and Lessons Learned,” The 14th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (ACM/IEEE IPSN), CPSWEEK, Seattle, USA, April 13-16, 2015.


Some initial results of SOPHIS Project No.2 „Ontology-based knowledge engineering technologies suitable for web environment” have been presented at:

Arturs Bartusevics, Andrejs Lesovskis, Leonids Novickis. Model-Driven Software Configuration Management and Semantic Web in Applied Software Development. 10th International Conference on EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES (EDUTE ’14)Istanbul, Turkey, December 15-17, 2014.


  • November/December 2014: preparation and approval of project documentation, resource planning, task definitions, updates of experimental equipment, overview of recent publications on the project topics. Enhanced studies in activity A1.1.a (snapshot mapping of skin chromophores), results as a 3-page Technical Digest submitted to the prestigious OSA congress „Optics in the Life Sciences”.
  • January 2015: Project team extended to 6 persons, focusing on activities A1.1.b (infrared photoplethysmography imaging), A1.1.c (skin studies in the 1-2 micron spectral range) and A1.3.d (SkImager updates and improvements). Results submitted to the international conferences „Developments in Optics and Communications” and „Northern Optics and Photonics”.
  • February 2015: Participation at the word’s largest photonics event „Photonics West” including the BIOS symposium on Biophotonics. Presentation of the project results at the 73rd Scientific Conference of University of Latvia and at the scientific seminar of Institute of Atomic Physics and Spectroscopy. Report at the congress „Optics in the Life Sciences” accepted by OSA.


Within SOPHIS Project No.2 „Ontology-based knowledge engineering technologies suitable for web environment” Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science (IMCS) has developed the CCUH data ontology which describes the episodes of inpatient and outpatient treatment in the hospital. Ontology will be used in the implementation of ad hoc query language designed for the needs of physicians of CCUH.

the CCUH data ontology which describes the episodes of inpatient and outpatient treatment in the hospital.

The CCUH data ontology which describes the episodes of inpatient and outpatient treatment in the hospital.

February 20, 2015 the results of SOPHIS Project No.2 „Ontology-based knowledge engineering technologies suitable for web environment” have been presented in the computer science and information technology section of 73rd Scientific Conference of University of Latvia.

  • I. Odītis, J. BičevskisRuntime Verification
  • R. Bundulis, G. ArnicānsUse of virtualization in development of high resolution display wall

February 13, 2015 the results of SOPHIS Project No.2 „Ontology-based knowledge engineering technologies suitable for web environment” have been presented in the computer science and information technology section of 73rd Scientific Conference of University of Latvia.

  • Jānis Bārzdiņš, M. Grasmanis, M. Opmanis, E. Rencis, A. Šostaks, Juris Bārzdiņš – Ontology-based ad hoc query language and its implementation: hospital’s case
  • K. Čerāns, G. Bārzdiņš, G. Būmans, J. Ovčiņņikova, A. Romāne, M. Zviedris – Semantic databeses: opportunities and challanges.

February 12, 2015 the results of SOPHIS Project No.2 „Ontology-based knowledge engineering technologies suitable for web environment” have been presented in the computer linguistics section of 73rd Scientific Conference of University of Latvia.

  • P. Paikens Possibilities of usage of computerized lexical resources
  • D. Goško, G. Bārzdiņš Application of rule-based classification in the language processing